Sunday 21 January 2024

Are you a part-timer?



A part-time Christian cannot defeat a full-time devil.

It is a fact that the devil works 24/7, over-time hours even, to derail us and to take us away from God. It is his job, and he does it well. He does it first of all by convincing people that he does not exist. That "devil" is just a euphemism for evil. A jovial word to use tongue in cheek when describing something or someone naughty. There is no such a thing as a man with horns and a tail holding a trident fork to push people into a fire with. It's all fun really.

Well, I have news for all those who hold such views.

The devil exists all-right. He is a spirit. He was an angel who rebelled against God; and instead of destroying him, God allowed him and his followers to leave Paradise and roam freely around the world.

It's written in the Bible and those who believe in God have no doubt read it there.

But those who do not believe in God, and who proudly proclaim their non-belief to anyone willing to hear, will also not believe in the devil either.

And Satan laughs silently.

We make his job easier by half-heartedly believing in him, or not believing at all. And this applies to Christians too.

How many Christians take the existence of the devil seriously and are wary of his temptations and threats to our eternity?

How often is the devil mentioned in the pulpit at Sunday sermons? He has every right to be there as God has. You would not go rushing in dangerous roads without safety signs warning you of dangers ahead. So why do our priests and pastors not put up safety signs in their sermons more often?

Christians should live their Christianity every day and not just wear it as a badge or identity card. Christianity is a full-time job and we live it in such a way that others may desire what we have and wish to be like us.

By being part-time Christians we are in effect working part-time for the devil.

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Matthew 6:24-26


  1. ...tell this to MAGA Christian Nationalists in the US!

  2. Hi Victor, whatever the devil tries to convince us of through our carnal minds is always overturned through the mind of Christ that we have access to when we are born again of God's Spirit through believing in Jesus (the Word of God) made flesh. God bless.

    1. Yet ... there are many who do not even believe in Christ.

      God bless, Brenda.

  3. "By being part-time Christians we are in effect working part-time for the devil." Wow. This resonates.
    I'm going to share it tomorrow morning with my fellow "full-timers" at Bible study.

    1. Thank you, Mevely, for sharing this with your friends at Bible study.

      God bless always.

  4. Wow that’s good, Victor and you’re right on.

    1. Many thanx, Debby. I value your visits here.

      God bless.

  5. I want to work full-time for God.
    Blessings, Victor!

  6. There is a spiritual warfare going on all around us!!

    1. That is definitely true, Happyone. And many don't know it.

      God bless.

  7. We have been on the road most of the day, but did have time to enjoy your post. Very timely my friend. and methinks I have met some devils I thought were angels.....
    One more thing, I once heard my mama say after my dad made a remark about a minister under him that had upset hes church. Mama told dad, "Remember he has had a tough time, and he tries!"
    "Grace, you would say something good about the devil!"
    Mama replied, "He does work hard Honey!" That was my mama...

    1. Indeed, the devil does work hard to lead us astray.

      God bless you, Jack and Sherry.

  8. Trust me, I know the wicked one is real. One of his minions used to try to bother me at a client's house. I would sing hymns and it would stay away. Then one day it really tried to scare me and I got mad and told it Jesus didn't want it there and to go sit at the foot of the cross and be dealt with, and it hasn't come back! It's not a joke, it's all real.

    1. Yes, the devil is real; and not many believe this, Mimi.

      God bless you.



God bless you.