Friday 19 January 2024

New Pastime and Hobby


I've just got a new hobby in my spare time. I am learning to be an animal motivational speaker and to teach them to meditate. My uncle loved animals too. His ambition was to be a lion whisperer. A wish he achieved moments before his untimely sudden death in a lion cage. Must have been something he whispered.

I started with something much smaller. At evening class at college they introduced me to a small dog.

I sat him on a table and approached him slowly soothingly whispering sweet things to calm him down. A bit like many priests do at Sunday sermons. They don't preach much needed warnings any more, do they?

Anyway, as I came near him, he suddenly snapped and bit my nose. Just as well he was not a lion. The pet instructor, (he instructs people not pets), cleaned the wound and put a plaster on my nose. This made things worse because the dog now growled every time I approached him. The instructor said my nose distracted him ... the dog, not the instructor.

Trying to teach animals to meditate proved more of a challenge. Have you ever tried getting cats to sit in a row and pay attention? They move and run all over the place. The idea is to have the animals relax and listen to your soft voice using words with smooth syllabus over and over again. Like honey ... honey ... honey ... or such like. There was no way those kittens would sit still, never mind listening to my soothing growls. 

Although I'll admit I had success with a tortoise. She just closed her eyes and meditated all winter.

Another task was teaching an agoraphobic tortoise self-confidence. This tortoise had an irrational fear of leaving its shell. It just stayed in there and would not come out. Even to eat or meet friends. It did not have any visitors because it was too crowded in her shell for anyone else. I crouched down to its level and encouraged her by waving a piece of lettuce at its opening. The instructor told me that was her tail. So I turned her round and tried again ... no success. I had a pain in the back leaning all the way down there on the floor. So the instructor suggested I put the tortoise on the table. No success either. The tortoise was also afraid of heights. Have you ever heard anything like it? Agoraphobic and afraid of heights.

To encourage her to overcome both problems I balanced her on my shoulder like a pirate would a parrot. She fell and was caught by the instructor before she crashed to the ground. Funny that, because it nearly worked with a parrot I was teaching to fly.

He bit my ear before flying off never to be seen again. The instructor put another piece of plaster on that as well.

I eventually gave up on all this teaching animals to meditate and unlock their hidden potential. All this motivational talk is nonsense and does not work in business corporations so why should it work with animals? Let people and animals be what they are and not try to change them and shape them to what you would want them to be. That's what I always say.

Anyway, I have now started another course at learning politics. My dog comes with me and is already showing progress.

NOTE: For entertainment purposes only. No animals have been harmed in the writing of this article. Only me! I got the plasters to prove it.


  1. Hi Victor, you was definitely born to make people laugh - and laughter is good for the soul. God bless.

    1. Thanx Brenda. Sometimes humour is all that keeps me going ... that and my Faith.

      God bless always.

  2. ...sometimes success is difficult!

    1. I am not much on advice, but methinks youare actually fighting a losing battle. BUT to go with the flow, I can understand the Tuttle getting few visitors, it is quite tight in that shell methinks.
      Smiles make a day, this was a good way to start mine. THANKS my friend. You must have patience at your new hobby. (stay out of lions dens.)

    2. I agree, Tom, success is difficult. That's why I give up at the first sign of failure. Life is a series of disappointments punctuated with occasional failures.

      True Jack, I was fighting a losing battle with the cats, tortoise and parrot. The only one who understood politics was my dog. I'm glad though that you enjoyed my adventures.

      God bless always.

  3. God created all of us to be just what He intended. I'm glad you gave up on that hobby, Victor! Blessings!

    1. So much time is wasted in management, and in life generally, to try to change people. People marry in the hope they can change their spouses. Businesses spend fortunes trying to change their staff. God created us all different; not cloned robots.

      God bless, Martha.

  4. ".... told me that was her tail." What's that old saying, "I'm laughing at you, not with you." (jus' kidding!)
    I can't imagine anything worse than studying politics -- unless it's being bitten by a lion.

    1. I don't mind whether you laugh with me, or at me, Mevely. As long as you are laughing. This Blog is dedicated to laughter because I believe God created laughter. At least I hope so; or else I'm in trouble with Him.

      God bless you always.

  5. You have your work cut out for you. Not an easy job. :)

    1. Working with animals is difficult, Happyone.

      God bless.

  6. I hope you heal up soon, and the animals recover, too.



God bless you.