Thursday 18 January 2024

The culture of change


There's an increasing trend in modern society to sideline and airbrush away any belief in God. The foundation has long been laid by taking away any signs of Christianity from our schools, hospitals and other public buildings. Influencers and people in authority like politicians, celebrities and such like openly say that they do not believe in God.

But the trend is moving forwards in other directions. 

They are trying to change us, believers, by their behaviour towards us. By shaming us and by ridicule of our beliefs and behaviours. 

They are trying to change us by renaming us as weird, odd, simpletons, old-fashioned and un-enlightened.

They are trying to change us by making us worship someone or something else; like celebrities, materialism, power, influence careers and wealth.

The new culture is to eliminate belief in God, and you do this by shutting out and cancelling all those who believe.

A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another. 
John 13:34-35


  1. ...I believe that separation of church and state is important. It prevents one faith community from imposing their beliefs on others. All believers benefit from this.

    1. I understand what you say, Tom. What is happening now is that Christianity in particular is being alienated and ridiculed.

      God bless.

  2. I remember those days -- as recently as my last workplace -- where talk of religion was either ridiculed or forbidden. No-one wants to be publicly shamed. I'm so thankful to have left that culture in the rear-view mirror.

    1. Thankfully, rear-view mirror for you. It's the way ahead over here. Often Christianity is ridiculed on TV by comedians and influencers like celebrities and politicians make it a point of stressing they don't believe in God.

      But God believes in them.

      God bless, Mevely.

  3. A great revival is upon us, though. What the enemy has meant for evil, the Lord has turned for our good. People are hungry.

  4. Cannot see too well today, half of the screen is behind squiggly lines. A frustrating that happen ever so often... thinkiing of ou

    1. Sorry to hear you have monitor problems, Jack. I kick the computer when this happens. Does not fix it though.

      God bless.

  5. I'm beginning to see hopeful signs that people are sick and tired of being ridiculed for their beliefs and are beginning to fight back against the worldly mandates, Victor. I hope I'm right!

    1. I too hope you are right. No such signs over here though. Let us pray.

      God bless, Martha.

  6. This is so true.

  7. Things have certainly got turned around. Bad is good and good is bad.
    Separation of church and state is good but that too has been turned around. It was to keep politics OUT of religion NOT religion out of politics. There is a difference!!

    1. More and more people are publicly distancing themselves from God. Not believing is the IN thing to be admired and copied. The cool thing to do.

      God is patient. He waits ... some (many) will return.

      God bless, Happyone.

  8. Gosh I just watched a documentary of a huge revival going on in India. God is still on the move. Western Judeo-Christian culture is being attacked and blamed for the evils of the world. It will only get worse but we still have to stand strong.

    1. Yes, God is still in control as He always is. We should trust and pray more.

      God bless, Debby.

  9. Keep believing, keep praying, stay weird (in their eyes). If the world says you're wrong, consider the source.



God bless you.