Friday 5 January 2024

Celebrity Games

We are at a stage of evolution as a human race where we just love adulation and worship of celebrities. We put them on a pedestal, we applaud them, we "follow" them on social media, we write to them and are obsessed with every aspect of their lives.

Time was that to be a celebrity you had to be special. To stand out from the rest. To have talent, skills, or be prominent in some field of other like politics, science and so on. But now, our hunger for celebrities is such that we create more and more of them to satisfy our needs for hero worship. 

Talents and skills are not important. If you're a mediocre singer or comedian who failed to win a talent show on TV; don't worry, you're a celebrity. If you've appeared in one of countless reality programs; you're a celebrity too. If you can write your name in joined-up writing; you're a special celebrity as well.

The time will soon come when the whole world will be full of celebrities. No need for talent or skills or anything like that. We will all be celebrities; including me. 

Everyone in the world will appear on TV as a celebrity and will have their fans applauding them and supporting their cause or career or whatever else they stand for. 

Are you ready for your time as a celebrity? Never mind if you've got no talent. Just think of a cause worthy of publicising. Any cause will do, like supporting distressed weasels, or replacing zips in trousers with Velcro, and you'll soon be on TV as an influencer and a celebrity.

I have devised a new TV program that could be developed and aired on TV to accommodate all these new celebrity people searching for exposure.

It's called, "What's my bits?" It's a program where we show X Rays of various parts of the body, lungs, heart, spleen and so on, and you have to guess who is the celebrity owner of the item. Isn't that fun?

The presenter will show an X Ray image and the contestants will have to guess whose organ it is. The program will have different celebrities each week and different parts of the bodies on display. Not the brain though because that would be too difficult to locate in some celebrities.

If you know any TV producers interested ask them to get in touch.

Pretty soon there will be more idiots on TV than people in the world. 

Now that's a quote worth quoting.


  1. ...I don't adulate or worship of celebrities!!!

  2. To quote you: Pretty soon there will be more idiots on TV than people in the world. .... I agree wholeheartedly .. ;)
    Great idea the velcro vs zipper! Imma try that! It cannot be as dangerous!!
    Take care and THANKS for the prayer.

    1. Hi Jack; everywhere I turn there's a celebrity - on TV, radio, newspapers and magazines. Who are all these talentless people and where do they all come from? They make me appreciate more the real celebrities of the past like the Beatles, Presley and some politicians, scientists and so on.

      Velcro in trousers can be embarrassing if someone sits down quickly. How about Velcro AND buttons, like in old style trousers?

      God bless you and yours.

  3. Celebrity culture has evolved, embracing various talents and sometimes, just the ordinary. The hunger for heroes shifts from traditional skills to broader recognition. By the way, check out my YouTube channel at Drop a comment, and if you subscribe, it's greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    1. Thank you for your visit here again, Melody. Much appreciated. There are so many celebrities these days it is difficult to know who they all are.

      God bless.

  4. Too many folks worship celebrities instead of God, Victor. That does NOT bode well for society.

    1. I believe the same happened when Moses came down the mountain and found a golden calf.

      God bless, Martha.

  5. I couldn't put a name to the vast majority of the current 'celebrities' if my life depended on it.

  6. Kathy took the words right out of my mouth! Judging by what passes as 'entertainment' on television, I believe your proposition has merit. And if that happens, I can say in all honesty (that) I know a real-live celebrity.

    1. We are all celebrities in the eye of God; if only we obey Him.

      God bless, Mevely.

  7. I don't go to the movies or watch television so I've never even heard of most of them!!

    1. There are more celebrities in the world than ordinary people.

      God bless, Happyone.

  8. I don't want to be a celebrity, living in the fishbowl would not be my idea of a good life.

    1. We are all celebrities in one way or another.

      God bless, Mimi.



God bless you.