Sunday 14 January 2024

What kind of gift are you?


Pretty soon after Christmas, or perhaps after a birthday party or other function when we gather to celebrate, like a wedding or an engagement party, we start tidying up the gift wrappers after all the packages have been opened and all that's left around is the wrapping paper they came in.

As I was collecting all the wrappings, and the different presents that were given and received, a thought occurred to me. In a funny sort of way, we are all a gift to each other.

Think about it for a moment. We are all a gift to each other.

Whoever we are, the chances are that there is more than one person who needs us, relies on us, in their life. It could be a spouse, offspring, parents or siblings, friends, colleagues at work, acquaintances in church, Bible class, or just anyone. The chances are there is someone around that needs you, and relies on you. And also, the chances are that you need and rely on someone else.

You probably never thought about it this way. You took it for granted. But you are a gift to someone else. Yes, you.

Sometimes, even without knowing it, you could be the answer to someone's prayer. You could be somewhere and someone needs a helping hand, a cheery smile even, and you're there providing that much needed gift of your presence.

When someone sadly passes away, we mourn and grieve their absence. This is because their presence had a positive effect on our lives.

And that is how you will be remembered; as a gift and a positive presence to others. In so many ways. 

Just think about the many ways and the many people you have influenced by just being you. Even by just writing a Blog, or a comment on social media. You may think nothing of it at the time. It may even become a tedious job keeping up a Blog, or commenting on other people's posts, or frequenting other social media presence. But your very presence there could be a boost and a ray of sunshine to someone else. And you don't even know it.

In so many ways we are all a gift to each other. Especially you.

Thank you.


  1. ...Victor, a wonderful thought!

  2. thank you for the reminder. I need this.. i agree 100 % just needed to hear it.

    1. It is so nice to see you visiting here MadSnapper; thank you. Please call again soon and often.

      God bless you always.

  3. LOVE this post and so agree. Some of my friends give me a hard time when I refer to my on line friends; but many of my on line friends and I have chatted for years and know a lot about each other. I look forward to hearing from them, and assume it's the same for them. Beautifully written Victor.

    1. Thank you Sandy for your kind thoughts. Whether on-line or in real life, God gives us plenty of opportunities to be a gift to others.

      God bless you, my friend.

  4. What a lovely thought that we are gifts to one another. :)

  5. I love this thought, Victor. We can all be the gift that others can't wait to unwrap if we are filled with love for one another.

    1. So true, Martha. We need to learn, as a human race, to appreciate each other rather than material things.

      God bless you and yours.

  6. Amen! Thank you, Victor, for making a difference in my life ... for being a gift.

    PS - This post reminds me of something I shared back in 2014; I hope you like.

    1. What a kind thing to say, Mevely. Thank you so much. I'm so glad we met on the Internet. It was really worth inventing the www just for that.

      That post from 2014 is so wonderful and relevant to today's society. Thank you so much, and God bless.

  7. Thank you for the timely reminder.

  8. A friend of mine told me she and her husband do not give each other gifts, not for Christmas, birthday, anniversary, anything. When they married, he told her they didn't need to spend time and money on such things. "We are a gift to each other every day," is what he told her.

    He's right, and so are you. Although there are a few people in this world I might want to return!

    1. I really like your last line, Mimi. Well done. Yes, there are people we should distance ourselves from.

      God bless.



God bless you.