Thursday 4 January 2024

How is Satan in your life?


I would like to thank Mevely for her last post and for linking to her Pastor's recent sermon. Visit here and follow the link to the sermon.

It is the best sermon I have heard for a long time. I wish that Pastor was in our churches over here teaching this message.

Over the years, we have been accustomed to easy-going nice-sounding sermons which make us feel good and cuddly. I don't mean just my church, but all churches in all denominations. The strategy is to be nice to the congregation so they don't leave church altogether.

This is false teaching. Church is not a theatre or cinema for people to attend as an audience and see the priest or pastor perform. Church is a hospital for sick souls. 

The sermon we hear in church is not meant to make us feel happy and comfortable. It is meant to make us change. To make us be more like Jesus.

The wonderful Pastor at Mevely's church said that the Holy Spirit actually exists. He is a living Person. The third Person of the Holy Trinity. 

Many people, including Christians, don't understand this fact and are woolly in what they believe. In our church we recite the CREDO every Sunday but I wonder how many truly understand it.

The Pastor also said that the devil actually exists. He is a living spirit intent on taking us astray from God. He is not a euphemism for evil. I wish that kind of sermon was preached in our churches over here.

I truly believe that we are living in the "Me ... Me ... Me ..." generation where we legitimise and we celebrate ignorance and we have no knowledge or fear of God.

Often on TV quiz shows contestants are asked the most basic of Christian questions; like name one of the apostles, and they fail completely. Celebrities too, often proclaim that they don't believe in God as if it was something to be admired and emulated.

Christianity is not generally taught at school or in the family and we have a generation which will grow up unable to teach their children either. We are making the devil's job easier for him by our ignorance and stupidity.

No wonder the world has lost its moral compass and does not even know where to find it.

Which is why we need more straightforward sermons, like the one by Mevely's Pastor, explaining the facts of eternal life. Meanwhile, I fear many are sleep-walking their way into hell.


  1. Thank you friend.

  2. ...a sermon should deliver words of encouragement!

    1. Yes, but also warnings where people are going astray.

      God bless, Tom.

  3. I remember my Dad. His messages were an even common sense approach. With a 3rd grade formal education he was able to use common sense in presenting the messages that he declared was given to him by the Holy Spirit. Many a night when I got up to go the the bathroom I heard him in his study praying and 'groaning' as he worked on the next sermon. He took that phrase 'Shepherd' to heart.
    YES we all need to know Jesus is good, but remembering how important HE is.
    Thanks again, and this comes from my heart, WE do appreciate your prayers.

    1. Your father must have been a good Pastor and Shepherd, Jack. You should be proud of him. He cared for his congregation. His job was to lead his flock to Heaven.

      I wonder how many priests today care for their congregations. Or is it just a job with a view to the next promotion up the hierarchy.

      Prayers and God's blessings to you and yours, my friend.

  4. The old days of “fire and brimstone” has gotten a bad rap. Every once in a while we need to be reminded as to what is at stake- not just for us but for those lost souls who are doomed to hell if they don’t repent and accept Jesus. The gospel message isn’t all about “me.” It’s about loving your fellow man enough to tell them the gospel truth.

    1. Very well said, Debby. Thank you so much. Yes, we need to tell the Gospel message to others; that's what loving them is all about. It's not a question of just being nice. If someone is drowning you throw him a saving line, not chocolates.

      God bless you.

  5. Thank you for the shout-out, Victor! Our pastor's message may not be "everyone's cup of tea" -- in fact, 20 years ago I attended a liberal-thinking Unity congregation in Florida. At that time in my life, those services resonated -- but I'll never forget Pastor Leddy Hammock's message: "I don't care if you're a Baptist, Jewish, Buddhist -- or if you worship goats. I do care that you go where your soul is fed."
    Thankfully, I've found such a church home.

    1. Yes, that Pastor was right. People these days need to be fed in order to save their souls. Too many priests are neglecting their duties of speaking out about sin for fear of upsetting their congregations.

      Dis you know Father Francis publishes his sermons every day? See:
      and click on Homily for Today on the right.

      God bless, Mevely.

    2. I didn't realize that ... but will be bookmarking this link. Thank you, Victor!

  6. We are making it far too easy for the devil to get a foothold, Victor. And we know all too well that once he gets an inch, he'll take a mile. Thanks for sharing Mevely's pastor's wisdom with us! Blessings!

    1. It's a sermon really worth listening to, Martha. I'm grateful Mevely recorded it.

      God bless always.

  7. It's a iscary thought, people sleepwalking their way right away from God.

    I pray He wakes them up, and that right soon.

  8. Well, this was a great sermon in itself, Victor! Thank you for being bold in your faith and not mincing words. Yes, we need more preachers who will preach the truth and show people the way to heaven instead of letting them fall into the trap of hell by being lazy and noncommittal. Time is running short...None of us knows when our time will run out, and we need to be ready to meet our Maker. Thank you for being faithful to God's Word.

    1. Thank you, Pamela, for your kindness to me. I find it sad that not many priests or pastors are warning their congregations to mend their ways before it is too late.

      God bless you and yours.



God bless you.