Wednesday 3 January 2024

Only On Sunday


There was once a man who declared, jokingly of course, that he was a Catholic on Sunday, but the rest of the time he was a sinner; like everyone else. What he meant is that life is busy, and we all have so many things to do to keep up with just living that, more often than not, we forget about God until we go to church on Sunday. That is, if we go to church at all. Over here, regular church attendances every week, (all denominations), is about 5% of the population.

Well frankly, this is not good enough. In fact, not good at all. If we claim we are Christians then our Christianity should be 24/7 for every day of the year and every year we have been granted. 

Christianity is a way of life. Not a badge or a label we use when convenient. We should not only "live" our Christianity for all to see, but we should live it in such a way that others might desire what we have and want it too. We should be the advertising board for Christianity.

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15

There are many ways to do this. We don't all have to be great crusaders filling halls up and down the land with people coming to hear us speak. In our small, slow, steady way, we could do good works just as Christ asked us.

If your Pastor preached a good sermon, why not thank him for it. Also, take the main points of what he said and use them in conversation with others as appropriate. Spread the message quietly, it's more effective. Better still, why not invite this person to your church to hear other sermons. 

If you've read a good Christian book, or article, mention it to others. Put in a good review and encourage others to read them. Promote books by people like Merlin Carothers, R T Kendall, Dr David Jeremiah, Joyce Meyer, Michael Kotch and Father JohnWoolley. I'm sure you can think of others which you have read and would recommend.

Another way of preaching God's Word is by being Christ to someone. We are all a gift to each other. Often, our very presence is a joy and an uplifting experience for someone else. We could well be the answer to someone's prayer. It could be anywhere. In church, the supermarket, the street, at work or wherever; someone is in need of a helping hand and we are there to give it. Just as Christ would do and expects it of us. 

At some point in our lives we have responded to God's call and became Christians. Why keep this gift just to ourselves? Let us share it. Would it not be the greatest gift to God ever if, because of you, someone became a Christian? Think about it for a moment. Because of what you said, or did, someone decided to find out more about God and eventually embraced the Faith. You were the starting point on that person's journey to eternity in Paradise.

God will remind you of it when you meet face to face.

"Well done, good and faithful servant!" Matthew 25:23


  1. ...and there are plenty of Christmas and Easter Christians.

  2. Thank you for the excellent suggestions. Although I try to practice them every day it's nice to have reminders.

  3. Wonderful message, Victor! I've a loved one whose faith (or seeming lack thereof) frightens me. Your suggestions are sound and appreciated.

    1. Prayers are the best remedy for what you mention, Mevely. God knows what is happening, and through your prayers He will provide opportunities for your loved one to get to know Him and experience His love. I am praying with you.

      God bless.

  4. MY friend you drop so many GOOD points. Twould be good for all Christians to read and take note. We need each other but most of all need HIM. Folks from all denominations and walks of life would do good to read you thoughts and put them into practice. Imma try!
    AND THANKS MOST for the PRAYERS. I do feel better.......

    1. Many thanx for your kind words and support, Jack and Sherry. I much appreciate them. Wishing you and yours all the best.

      God bless you.

  5. I pray daily that others will see Jesus living in me. Let's celebrate being Christians, Victor!

  6. I sure hope others can see Christ in me. It is a wonderful goal to have.

  7. "We could well be the answer to someone's prayer. It could be anywhere. In church, the supermarket, the street, at work or wherever; someone is in need of a helping hand and we are there to give it."

    It does not take a lot to be that helping hand does it, and can make such a difference.

    Happy midweek wishes Victor.

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes Jan; often it does not take a lot to be there for someone in need and be the answer to their prayer.

      All the best to you and yours always. God bless.

  8. Thank you for the reminder to be salt and light as much as possible.



God bless you.