Thursday 13 October 2022

How to economise when prices go up


I don't know about you, but over here prices are going up all the time. Everything is more expensive all of a sudden and everyone is trying to economise where they can. Because this Blog is dedicated to helping readers with good practical information, here are some tips which might help.

First of all, I have started wearing one sock at a time. One day I wear the sock on my right foot, then I change it to the left foot; wash it the following day and wear another sock on the right foot. By alternating which foot gets the sock the socks themselves last longer and you also economise by washing them less frequently. 

Buy toilet paper without perforations. It is cheaper. Then using a ruler and a comb you can make your own perforations at home.

If you wear glasses, then put on an eye patch on one eye every day alternating daily. This way your  glasses will last longer because you are only using one lens at a time. Works also if you wear contact lenses. Just put on one lens and one eye patch. No need to have a parrot on your shoulder.

Memorise where everything is at home between the bedroom and bathroom. This way you don't have to switch the lights on when you go to the bathroom at night. Men should sit down rather than remain standing!!!

If you like to listen to music, don't bother listening to the whole song. Some songs are very long like Hey Jude by the Beatles and Bridge Over Troubled Waters by Simon and his friend with a long name. (Names were cheaper in those days). Songs are often repetitive anyway. Just listen to the first few bars and switch off, or go to another song. Saves time and electricity.

Think long and hard about home improvements. For ages my wife has been asking about an island in the kitchen. It is very fashionable around here. Basically you have a large area in the middle of the kitchen with an oven, heating elements for cooking, a large overhead extractor fan, and a seating area around the whole unit. It costs a fortune whilst I'm trying to economise on toilet paper.

I prayed and prayed so that I could afford it. Then a thought from above came into my head, "Your kitchen is too small for an island. If you have an island you'll not be able to get in the kitchen. Why not put a chair in the middle of the kitchen instead?"

Try convincing my wife of this logic!

What are your tips for economising in these times of rising prices? I've started to share cheese with the bits left over in the mousetraps.


  1. ...the best way is to live below your means when times are good and save for rainy days ahead.

    1. I tried living below my means; it was too low for me to crouch under.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. Yes, kitchen make-overs are all the rage. All the same, even if we had $$$ to rip it all out, a modern kitchen in an olden house would stick out like a sore thumb.
    There's little I'll compromise when it comes to food -- but we've all but stopped eating 'out.' Just the other day Tom's fast-food burger and fries (no drink) was almost $10.

    1. It's the same here, Mevely. Fish and Chips take-away is now about £11 per person for a piece of cod and some fried potatoes. I sat outside the shop and smelled the aroma and ate a piece of dried bread. The shop owner wanted to charge me for smelling his food cooking.

      I am now economising by wearing socks on my hands instead of gloves to keep out the cold. It is difficult to type with socks on. Hey - that's a good title for a song, "It's difficult to type with socks on!" - a book even.

      God bless you and Tom.

  3. I read: Men should sit down rather than remain standing!!!.. So you have the same problems in the UK? I am shocked, I thought it was just the New World still learning how to aim! ;-) .. Thanks for solving the problem I have had for years, the chair! I have always wanted an island, so NOW!!!!
    The best to you over there, thanks for the smiles, they are always welcome.....
    Sherry & jack

    1. A good remedy for men is to wear a hat/helmet with a light on. You bend your head a little and shine the light in the bowl and aim.

      I'll patent this invention and make money so I can afford an island in the kitchen. It's either that or the chair solution.

      Keep smiling Jack and Sherry. God bless you and yours.

  4. Dearest Victor,
    We just got back from a spin on our bikes, a short ride of 12.65 km. What I noticed is that 'still' so many people that got successfully brainwashed by commercials and social media—put out all the made in China rubbish for Halloween.
    And then, once that is over, they store it or God forbid—they trash it and causing problems. Storing seems more or less impossible as they'd have to move into the dog–house whilst all that made in China rubbish is occupying their living space...
    No, there is no need for perforating your own toilet paper as long as you don't follow those idiotic and prescribed seasonal 'decorations'.
    Still the biblical golden calf can be seen all around us. People worship whatever is being dictated to them!
    Oh, and I forgot all the flags, banners and often statues (plastic or whatever) to let the world know which football team they IDOLIZE...
    If one does not follow any of those 'dictated' idiotic trends and waste of money—there is enough to feed on and you don't even have to go with your one–sock solution 🙄

    1. You know Matiette; I once advocated that socks should be sold in threes not as a pair. This way, it would be easier to pick two socks the same colour from the drawer in the dark when I am saving electricity. I wrote to three sock manufacturers about my idea. They ignored me in triplicate. That is why I now wear one sock at a time. I pick just one sock and wear it. It saves money on socks, it saves electricity picking one sock at a time in the dark, and it saves time picking one sock and getting on with it.

      It was suggested to me to pick my socks the previous day in daylight. But that would be a waste of sunlight, and I am trying to save the planet by not using too much sun.

      Also, I started pausing a few seconds between breaths to save on air. There is not enough air for all of us in the world; and the people with big noses are breathing in more than their fair share.

      God bless always.

  5. The price rises are concerning aren't they.
    I do look out for special offers when shopping and this can help.

    Thanks for sharing your suggestions :)

    All the best Jan

    1. So glad I could be of some help, Jan.

      God bless always.

  6. Prices going up here too. I like Tom's answer!

    1. I've tried Tom's suggestion and it did not work.

      God bless, Happyone.

  7. A friend of mine once told me she'd figured out how to lose weight, save money, and get everything done on her to-do list: quit eating and sleeping. So far, i haven't been able to implement her plan, i keep snoozing and getting hungry.

    1. Yes, me too. I slept in a shop once. They wrapped me up and tried to sell me.

      God bless, Mimi.



God bless you.