Wednesday 5 October 2022

How to avoid people


Do you find that complete strangers approach you for a chat when out walking the dog, or sitting on a bench in the park, or on the bus, train or whatever? They always do that to me. Can't understand it. Why can't they leave me alone rather than chatting away telling me their life story?

In order to avoid such people I have now started dressing untidily and somewhat scruffy. I wear an old pair of jeans torn and with dirt from changing the oil in the car and cleaning the rain gutters. Also an old T shirt and dirty overcoat. I found an old pair of shoes with holes in them that let in water. I made another hole in the heel for the water to come out, and I now wear them as part of my new fashionable accoutrement. 

The whole assemble does work I tell you. You will not see it as part of the Autumn Collection by any fashion designer but it works.

People have started to keep their distance from me. I also carry a jar of pickled onions in my coat pocket and if anyone comes near me I offer them one. That, or a half eaten Mars bar. You can see the teeth mark in the chocolate. People soon thank me politely and move to another seat on the bus, or walk away in the park.

The only downside to my new dress sense is that I have been refused entry at some of the top hotels and restaurants in London. The man at the door always tells me to go away. Some have been known to give me a sandwich or other food, so that's a small recompense for not letting me in I suppose.

Also, I tripped and fell at an up-market touristy area of London. People soon gathered round to help me. They checked I was OK and someone even gave me a meal from a nearby takeaway fast food restaurant. A tourist also gave me some money. So, looking like a tramp does help sometimes.

I noticed the neighbours have stopped talking to me too. When I go out to get the papers from the newsagent one or two people cross to the other side of the road in order to avoid me.

My sudden change of attire has had an effect at home also. My wife said she will no longer speak to me as long as I dress like that. Now that's a bonus.

And another advantage is that my mother-in-law has stopped visiting us on her broomstick because she says I let the tone of the place down.

So you see, my new dress code has had a lot of positive outcomes. despite the downside of being excluded from some hotels and restaurants. People are now no longer talking to me.

You should try it sometime. Get some old clothing on and have fun.


  1. ...most of the time I have pleasant experiences when I engage in conversations with strangers.

    1. Right; I shall send all strangers who start talking to me over to you. I have heard so many life stories from them to fill a book.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. Brilliant! Of course, if you lived here in the Southlands (Bible belt), there's a good chance you'd be scooped up, swaddled in clean clothes and taken to rehab.

    1. So what you're saying, Mevely, is that where you live dressing badly would get me even more attention than being left alone. What can someone do to be left alone? Go naked?

      People keep sitting next to me on the bus and after a polite "hello" or small talk about the weather they tell me their life story about the bunion on their feet that hurts them and the carbuncle somewhere more personal that gives them agony.

      It's all bunions and carbuncles - now that's a good title for another book.

      God bless always.

  3. Dearest Victor,
    Haha, would love to pull that prank off just once and enjoy the reactions...!
    But all those stories they share with you could fill a lot of future books for you—provided they're worthy of being printed 😼

    1. Normally it is mundane stories they share about this or that and nothing else. As the Beatles used to sing. "Ah, look at all the lonely people ... Where do they all come from?"

      I don't know where they come from; but I know where they are going ... to bother me out of my peace!

      God bless, Mariette.

  4. Okay, I hope you enjoy the couch for sleeping. Methinks you are a glutton for punishment from Mrs. Victor (and her mama!)
    Thanks for the smiles. I think I avoided you once in London near Piccadilly Circus.

    1. I sat near Piccadilly Circus many a time eating a burger and bun I had in my coat pocket. You must have seen me.

      Keep smiling dear friends. God bless, Jack & Sherry.

  5. I'm one of those who talk to everyone. BUT I can tell when others don't want to talk and then I keep quiet. :)

    1. Do you approach people or do they approach you? They always approach me; even when I'm relaxing on top of a tree in the park.

      God bless, Happyone.

  6. Yep! That's a sure-fire way to make sure people stay away, Victor, but your wife? Isn't that going just a bit to the extreme? Not that I know anything about her, but I'd be willing to wager that your wife has a great sense of humor! :)

    1. I guess a great sense of humour is essential in any marriage.

      God bless you, Martha.

  7. My Bigger Girl is scared of small children because they are loud and scream so suddenly, she doesn't want to be around them much. She started dressing in all black when she realized mothers with small children would avoid her and keep their kids away!

    1. Good point, Mimi. People do react to how we dress. Clothing makes the man, they say. Especially in a nudist camp.

      God bless.



God bless you.