Sunday 14 August 2022

Standing in God's way


It seems that we have learnt very little since Jesus taught us to pray "Thy will be done ..."

All those years later, and ever since if not before, we as a human race have stood in defiance against God. We have opted to be in control of our lives and our destiny. Even though we might proclaim that we believe in God as a supernatural omnipotent spiritual Being, to a greater or lesser degree we all have had periods and incidences in our lives when we chose to do it our way.

In doing so, God's power has been restricted by man. His good influence in our lives is excluded by the way we choose to live. Our way may not be His way; but we choose our way all the same because in the short term we see it as more beneficial, more profitable, more exciting and rewarding to our earthly limited physical life. And we temporarily set aside, or forget, our eternal spiritual life thereafter.

It is our very behaviour which holds up God's answers to our prayers; even though He continues to care for us and love us. We seek His help and guidance, yet we want it done our way, in our own terms, and to our satisfaction. 

This is not how God works. He is not there to hear our demands and answers them unconditionally.

He has a plan for us. For every one of us individually. And this plan must be accomplished if we let it. So much time is wasted, and so much frustration, regrets and impatience occur when our self-will gets in the way of His plan for us. 

Instead, we should be motivated by trust, faith, obedience and respect rather than impertinent, albeit foolish, defiance and self-confidence.

Only then does God reveal the more joyous side of His will and plans for us. The eternal loving communion with Himself.

To reveal such gifts at the outset would produce in us the wrong motive of accepting His will. We would be doing so to gain eternal rewards.

Rather, our will should be to accept His will freely in the sure knowledge and belief that He has our best interest at heart and will not let us perish.


  1. ..Victor, I hope that you are having a wonderful Sunday.

  2. Another wonderful, thought-provoking message. I hunger for this sort of thing.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Mevely. I am putting together a book with a collection of short messages/devotionals like this one. Hopefully to be published soon.

      God bless always.

  3. Dearest Victor,
    IF only people would look beyond this very temporarily and rather short time here on earth... The afterlife is far more rewarding and surpasses all times.

  4. Amen!
    Have a wonderful Sunday Victor!

  5. Our vision for ourselves and for the world is so narrow and self-serving, Victor. Let us let go of our puny conceptions and embrace God's good and gracious will for us.

    1. Yes I agree. But it seems to be a human failing, Martha. We just cannot let go. We need to, we have to, be in charge ... in control.

      God bless you and yours.

  6. We are so afraid, we forget we aren't in control of anything to begin. It takes a lot of living to realize that.

    He wants to make us what He intended all along, most people fear that means giving up the self, instead it is becoming the best self as we were supposed to be.

  7. I love what you've said here, Messymimi!

  8. Victor, your words are rich and wise and full of biblical truth. Amen, friend.

  9. Thank you, Mimi. Like Martha, I like very much what you said.

    God bless always.



God bless you.