Friday 19 July 2024

Hickory Dickory Cuckoo Clock

The old clock that belonged to my mother-in-law accidentally fell off the mantel piece and broke. I got the blame ...

... so in order to make amends I went out and bought a lovely (cheap) cuckoo clock made of plastic. 

I convinced my wife that it was a great replacement to that old antique which did not keep time anyway. 

For a while, we enjoyed the new clock with the cuckoo coming out through the doors every hour and singing his heart out. But I tell you folks, the novelty soon wears out and at times I'd wished the damn bird had laryngitis and stayed in bed for a while rubbing Vicks Vaporub on his chest.

My wife particularly did not like it when the bird came out every hour throughout the night. I'll admit she had a point. Birds don't sing through the night unless they want me to throw an old clock at them.

I read the instructions manual and there was nothing there about how to stop the cuckoo singing at night. So I took some Sellotape and taped round the two doors that open up to let the little birdie out. I taped it so tight that the doors would not open at all.

That did not work! Throughout the night every hour we heard, "Cuck ...Ooh! Cuck ... Ooh! That hurts!" as the little birdie attempted to get out and hit his face against the doors which were shut tight.

The next morning I took the sticky tape off the doors to see what happened; and there was the cuckoo bird with his face all bruised black and blue, threatening to report me to the Birds Protection Society for cruelty and imprisonment!   

I got the blame once again for trying to be helpful.


  1. time really all that important?

    1. Yes it is if you are a trapped cuckoo needing to go to the toilet!

      God bless, Tom.

  2. We had a cuckoo clock when I was growing up. My mother used to stop the clock at night so the bird couldn't come out and do his thing.

    1. How did she do that? My cuckoo has now started to dig a hole at the back of the clock and get out from there!

      God bless, Bill.

  3. No matter how hard we try to stop it, time marches on.
    Blessings, Victor!

    1. Indeed it does, Martha. Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.

      God bless you and yours.

  4. As they say, "No good deed goes unpunished."
    ---Cheerful Monk

  5. We had a cuckoo clock when I grew up but I liked it. Our cuckoo would come out every 15 minutes.

    1. Once an hour was too much for us! God bless, Happyone.

  6. I don't know what's worse, the overly cheery cuckoo clock -- or the one my BF's parents had: a black cat (clock) whose eyes kept going back and forth like it was watching a tennis match.

    1. Oh yes ... I remember those clocks; with the cat's tail as a pendulum.

      The worst were the cuckoo wrist watches with the bird jumping out from under one's sleeve.

      God bless, Mevely.

  7. Reading this bought back memories of the cuckoo clock we had when I was growing up. My Dad used to stop the clock at night so the bird couldn't come out and do this.

    All the best Jan

    1. Modern birds are clever, that's why I had to Sellotape the doors tight to stop the cuckoo from un-locking the doors from the inside. He has now drilled a hole at the back of the clock and gets out this way!

      God bless, Jan.



God bless you.