Saturday 13 July 2024

Have you brought anyone to Jesus?


He first found his brother Simon and told him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated as Christ). Andrew brought him to Jesus, who looked at him and said, “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas” (which is translated as Peter). John 1:42

Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” John 6:8

Now there were some Greeks among those who went up to worship at the festival. They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, (same town as Andrew and Peter), with a request. “Sir,” they said, “we would like to see Jesus.”  Philip went to tell Andrew; Andrew and Philip in turn told Jesus. John 12:20

These are three instances recorded where Andrew brings people to Jesus. Look at the results:

Peter became the most important and influential of the disciples, having started the Church of Christ on earth.

As a result of finding the boy with loaves and fishes, Jesus fed the 5,000 and no doubt many came to believe and follow Christ.

Philip came to Andrew for advice and Andrew approached Jesus regarding the Greeks wanting to meet Jesus. Philip also in turn introduced Nathaniel to Jesus.

In those three passages we see Andrew as the one introducing people to Jesus. There are other instances of people bringing people to Christ. John the Baptist for instance started as a voice crying in the wilderness proclaiming the arrival of the Messiah.

But how about you? Have you introduced anyone to Jesus? What an honour if you have.

Knowingly, or unknowingly perhaps, you may have been instrumental in bringing someone to Jesus. If you write a Blog for instance, you never know who visits you without leaving a comment, and something you say there about what Jesus has done to you in your life may well be the trigger, the starting point, for someone to start searching more and experiencing God's love in their lives.

We all have a responsibility to spread the Good News wherever we can. We don't have to be pastors, preachers, or learned in religion to do so. Just by being ourselves, and saying plainly what and why we believe is a first step to a life-changing decision for someone else into eternity.


  1. ...and Victor, you do an excellent job!

    1. Thank you so much for your kindness, Tom. God bless you.

  2. I do hope and pray that I'm reaching others for Jesus with my blog, Victor, as you so aptly do. May God give us the faith and conviction to carry on in love and kindness in everything we think, say and do, and shine the light of Christ in this weary and darkened world.

    1. Let us pray, Martha, that through our Blogs, someone somewhere may well search further for the Truth of God and His Son Jesus.

      God bless you and yours.

  3. I don't think I'm bold enough to suggest someone accompany me to church or Bible study. An example to others, no. My early adult life is certainly not something I want to hold up to the light.
    I do, however, enjoy sharing some of your posts and books with FB friends/family ... and sincerely hope your messages resonate.

    1. Your early adult life, Mevely, is behind you and God has forgiven what there is to forgive. We all serve God by the way we live; and perhaps the opportunity will arise sometimes when you feel you can invite someone to Bible class or church. I have enjoyed the church videos you have posted and I'm sure others would do if they attended personally. Thank you for witnessing through FB or your blog to friends and family. Sometimes, all it needs is one word of encouragement and someone may wish to learn more - ... and it all started with you!

      God bless always.

  4. Aloha. ❤️
    ——Cheerful Monk

  5. Yes I have years ago when I was a newborn believer. I was on fire for the Lord and couldn’t contain myself - I evangelized everyone I came into contact with. No doubt because of my zeal, I turned many away but I do know that years later, many contacted me and told me they were now followers of Christ. For 3 years God had me hosting a children’s Good News club in my home and years later some of those children were still walking with the Lord as well as their parents! Praise God for that!

    Those were the best years of my life. Now I’ve slowed down. I don’t want to just “ride” the wave. There is still much to be done at every age or stage of our lives.

    1. Thank you for this post comment, Debby; and for all the good works you have done. Indeed, we can all serve the Lord differently at different stages in our lives. Thank you for maintaining your Blog going; a word or two about God's workings in your life may well help someone else in difficulties.

      God bless you and yours.

  6. Greeting Victor: I remember a man who was an Usher at each Saturday Mass, he never went to Communion, I asked him if he wanted to talk, he said yes, I asked him why he never went to Communion, he said it was because he had not gone to confession for decades, I told him that it was easy just ask Father to hear his confession, ask for forgiveness, and tell Father that he really wanted to go to communion but was afraid of Father kicking him out, I promised him that that would not happen, the next week with a very happy heart, he told me he went to confession, he is still receiving communion which makes me so happy. Having a clean heart is a Blessing and worth the confession.
    Coming back to Communion is for someone who has missed the amazing Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ is so beautiful.
    I hope this day find you well and enjoying life to its fullest.


    1. Thank you for such a wonderful story, Catherine, and your part in helping this man to reconciliation. What a good thing to have done.

      God bless always, my friend.

  7. I perhaps have brought some to Jesus or tried to. But then I left the fold as it were.

    1. I am sorry you left the fold, Anvilcloud. I am praying that you may wish to return. You can write to me at if you wish.

      God bless you.

  8. Maybe through example but really I have no idea.

    1. Amen Bill. We may never know who we have led to Christ.

      God bless you.

  9. I don't think I have, but I think I've helped people become more charitable in their thoughts and deeds about homeless people. But, maybe not; maybe that's too bold a statement. ((HUGS)) your words are always food for thought.

    1. Sandy, we NEVER know who we have led to Christ. Often it is just by the way we live, by our example, that others see something in us that they want too. They search for what makes us what we are ... and perhaps find Christ in us.

      God bless you for being Christ to someone.

    2. Have you read John Pavlovitz's If God Is Love, Don't Be a Jerk?
      ---Cheerful Monk

    3. I am aware of the book and it's author, Cheerful Monk. What specifically did you like in what he said?

      God bless.

  10. I'm not sure if I've led someone to Jesus, but I've taught Sunday school and prayed for people and talked to them and I hope some of them have learned more about Jesus or grown closer to Him, at least.

    1. Let us hope and pray that it is so, Mimi; and that your good works bore fruits.

      God bless.

  11. After having my NDE I started to write leaflets regarding the scriptures. Then I met my friend who also was brought to write leaflets. We went out into the streets for many years giving out the leaflets. I believe all that happened was brought about by God, and many people in the streets who did not attend a church gathering wanted to know more about Jesus. God works in wonderful ways. I have always likened God to the master chess player, and we as the chess pieces that He moves around to win the game. God bless you Victor with all He has for us in Jesus.

    1. What a good way to spread the news about God, Brenda. You'll never know how many you have influenced by the leaflets you printed and distributed.

      God bless you and yours always.



God bless you.