Wednesday 24 July 2024

There I was ...


There I was reading my newspaper in a hot bath and the first thing that came to mind ... actually ... the second thing that came to mind was; why do newspapers always mention important people like celebrities, politicians, sports personalities and so on? 

Why don't they ever mention ordinary people like Marjorie Fordiscue, or Theobold Ivor Pimple? 

For those who don't know, Theobold Ivor Pimple invented that bit of hard plastic you have at either end of a shoelace to make it easier to thread through the holes in your shoes or boots. I bet you never heard of him. Originally, the bits were made of metal and in time they made them of cheap plastic. He worked at a shoe factory and invented the hard bits at the end of shoelaces - an unsung hero of modern day society much enthralled with Velcro fastenings and slip-on shoe.

Ivor Pimple is not to be confused with Walter Spigot who invented those little metal rings you put in the holes in shoes and boots to make sure the holes in the leather don't tear up and makes it easier to lace the shoelaces. Walter is another unsung hero of his days, whenever his days were.

As I sat there in my hot bath I thought of all the other people throughout history who have left their mark on this world and have been virtually forgotten.

Like the man who invented the woo-pie-cushion for instance. What hilarity he brought to the world over the years, especially on solemn occasions like when you're in Court for speeding, by placing those harmless plastic bags unobtrusively on seats. Yet I doubt anyone knows his name.

Or the man who invented the spoon-rest and gave us all yet another item to wash when we have finished cooking in the kitchen.

My mind then turned to Marjorie Fordiscue as mentioned previously. So, why did she come to mind in this totally unconnected train of thought?

Years ago, when I lived in London, my apartment at the back overlooked her bathroom. One day, as I  looked out of the window there she was in her bath!

What could I do? Wave at her and say "Hello" like a good neighbour should, or ignore her and pretend I did not see her?

What would you have done?


  1. ...I will never understand the fascination with celebrities. Who cares???

    1. Thank you for agreeing with me Tom. Over here the papers are full of celebrities; many I have never heard of and don't know what they are famous for. And the headlines refers to their families too:

      "Cousin of XYZ crashed car and killed duck!"

      Why is that worthy of news headlines?

      God bless.

    2. I wonder.
      Maybe we see the exterior. The fame and fortune. That is what is wanted to be shown. The interior we don’t know.

    3. It seems society has become so materialistic that people are only interested in the glamour, celebrity and success of people; and those who do not perhaps reach such levels, live life vicariously through the apparent (but false) success of others.

      God bless, Regine.

  2. There are celebrities I don't even know who they are.

    1. Same here, Bill. I often ask: who is this in the adverts on TV? The other day I did not recognise a character with a beard and it was my reflection on the screen.

      God bless you.

  3. I'm with Bill on this one, Victor. Celebrities are given way too much attention and think they deserve it.

    1. They truly believe they are entitled to adulation. Over here on our TV there are so many brain-dead celebrities with equally brain-dead followings on social media.

      God bless, Martha.

  4. My response to the last question: I am sure you are familiar with King David and how a similar situation got him into trouble. Enough said!

  5. I know of precious few current celebrities ... and haven't lose any sleep about it. Those who (IMHO) merit my attention, however, tend to tread lightly and not take themselves so seriously. (ie, and Rick Karle's Good News.

    PS - I'm only curious why your former neighbor decided to bathe with her window uncovered.

    1. "lost any sleep", I mean.

    2. Sadly, many people tend to live their lives vicariously through following celebrity gossip.

      I guess that neighbour saw herself as some glamourous celebrity. Only recently, I read an article about a couple who regularly walk around the house naked with windows/curtains open. Apparently, (I did not know this) it seems common thing with certain people.

      What is the world coming to?

      God bless, Mevely.

  6. I am not a celebrity watcher. The privileged are not my cup of tea. We had a neighbor whose daughter would parade unclothed in her bedroom. We had two boys next door that would watch her. I have no answer as to why she did that. I mentioned that she should keep her shades down but nothing changed. It only got worse.


    1. Thank you Irish Cherokee for confirming what I said to Mevely, (above). I did not know it was so common until I read it recently. I don't understand why people would exhibit themselves like that and, apparently, one can't do something about it. It is not against the law to go naked in one's house.

      Some people just want to be noticed.

      God bless always, Irish Cherokee.

  7. Then there are those of us who refuse to have their pictures taken.
    Cheerful Monk

  8. Famous people are often overrated.

    Ignore the neighbor in the tub. Sometimes all the privacy you get is people simply turning their heads.

    1. Ignore my neighbour? Is that the Christian thing to do?

      God bless, Mimi.



God bless you.