Tuesday 23 July 2024

Eccentric? Moi?


In the kitchen we have a large wardrobe, (cupboard), containing mostly pots and pans and other kitchen utensils. A few weeks ago, when everyone was out of the house, I made a big hole in the back of the wardrobe and another in the wall so that I could go into the wardrobe and out into our garden. I put all the pots and pans back in the wardrobe/cupboard and concealed the large hole to the outside. It was like the wardrobe in the book by C S Lewis, "The witch, the lion and the wardrobe". Once you enter the wardrobe you could go into my own garden Narnia.

When the family got home, they complained that it was a bit draughty in the kitchen. There was a distinct wind coming from outside which rattled the cupboard's doors.

My wife ... oh, I never told you did I? My wife and I met on the net. We were both bad trapeze artists. But that's another story.

Anyway, as I was saying before I interrupted my train of thoughts. We used to train for ages high up on the trapeze jumping from one swing to another. We often missed each other because she arrived ten minutes late.

My wife discovered the hole at the back of the wardrobe and let's say she has no sense of humour whatsoever. 

I explained that by going through the wardrobe she would travel out into a new Narnia world in the garden; walking through sunshine, or mist or rain or whatever the weather outside might be. 

Her reply will not be posted here to protect readers with a nervous disposition.

She didn't like my next adventure either. I installed at the very end of our garden a chocolate dispensing machine. I bought the machine from a shop that was closing down and they had it on the side-walk outside. I got it home and installed it just by the pond at the end of the garden and filled it with all kinds of chocolates.

 I explained that it gives my walk in my private Narnia a real purpose. What is the point of going out in the garden in all weathers for no reason at all? Now I can enter the wardrobe, go through the hole at the back, and walk gently all the way to the pond and reward myself with a bar of chocolate from the machine. What's wrong with that?

I intend to invite friends and relatives and conduct tours of our garden through the wardrobe. They would all file into the kitchen and one by one enter the wardrobe and walk all the way to the chocolate machine. What fun that would be! I may even have little scenes from Roald Dahl's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" re-enacted in various places in the garden.

Sadly, my wife has brought in reinforcement in the shape of her mother. She landed on her broom early this morning.

I suggested we also give broom-flying lessons or play quidditch like in the Harry Potter films.

Do you think I'm eccentric?


  1. ...Victor, you spin quite a yarn.

    1. This is all true, Tom. I have also now made a hole through the bathroom/shower room which leads to a lovely beach. I'm thinking of doing other outlets in the house leading to other wonderful worlds like Disney World or Legoland!

      God bless.

  2. Wonderfully, so! Don't stop believing!

    1. Thank you for supporting me, Mevely. It's good to transform one's home into a private Narnia or Disneyland. For fun, I replaced our bed with a trampoline the other day. My wife hit the roof. No sense of humour!

      God bless.

  3. Your imagination is running wild, Victor. :)

    1. Ah ... but what if it was all real !!!

      God bless you, Bill.

  4. Made me smile, but this line was tops:
    My wife ... oh, I never told you did I? My wife and I met on the net. We were both bad trapeze artists. But that's another story.

    Good one! jack

    1. It's good to see you smile, Jack. I pray you and your family are well.

      God bless always, my friend.

  5. Eccentric AND funny! Blessings, Victor!

  6. Eccentric, yes, but delightfully so. Your post made me hungry for a Snickers candy bar.

    1. Come to my house, in the kitchen, through the wardrobe, down to the end of the garden; and there's a machine that sells Snickers and other chocolates.

      God bless, Barbara.

  7. You have quite the imagination. :)

    1. So did whoever wrote Narnia! (C S Lewis).

      God bless, Happyone.

  8. No, just delightfully imaginative.

    1. Wouldn't it be lovely to have a Narnia in one's garden?

      God bless, Mimi.

  9. Hi Victor, after reading your blog posts I would not call you eccentric, I would call you unique. God bless.

    1. Thank you, Brenda. We are all unique in our own way, I suppose.

      God bless you and yours.



God bless you.