Saturday 27 July 2024

Do Not Disturb


I got locked into my own hotel room the other day. I had to ring reception to let me out.

I had inadvertently put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the inside of the door in my room; and in the morning I could not get out and disobey the notice.

I wonder ... how many of us Christians go through life with a "Do Not Disturb" sign hanging round our neck? We'd like to help one another of course, and love each other as Christ commanded, but not now ... we're too busy. There's the shopping to do, take the kids to school, go to work, mow the lawn and this and that. We just don't have the time to stop and help. We want to, but not just now!

Remember the parable of the Good Samaritan? Read it in Luke 10:25. The two first people, the priest and the Levite, were wearing "Do Not Disturb" signs when they came across the man attacked by thieves and left for dead. Chances are they were good people, we're not told, but they did not want to be involved just now.

Think about the last time you met someone needing help whilst you were wearing the sign round your neck. Was it in church ironically when you avoided that woman who always complains about her aches and pains and how life is difficult? Or at the supermarket when the shopper in front of you took ages to pay for her goods at the check-out? Or in the car park perhaps when you sneaked into the parking place before another car got there? Or at work when you were too busy to help a colleague confused about something or other?

OK ... let's look at it another way. How many Christians are there in the world right now? Millions? Billions even? 

What if each one of these Christians did a good turn, a bit of kindness not asked for, once a week for someone else? Not every day ... just once a week. How many acts of kindness would that be? You do the maths!

What was it Morgan Freeman, (God), said in the film Evan Almighty? "One act of random kindness at a time!" 

Let all Christians take off their "Do Not Disturb" signs right now and get started.



  1. ...some have never done a good deed.

    1. Let us do good deeds on their behalf, Tom. So that's TWO deeds a week!.

      God bless.

  2. We can feel as happy as the one being helped when we help a person. How could we walk past a person needing a helping hand, would we like that to happen to ourselves if we needed help?

  3. I needed to see this, Victor. Please pray for me to have the courage to remove my sign.

    1. I pray for you frequently, Mevely; and for all others who comment here. It all starts with one random act of kindness, then another and another and ...

      God bless, my friend.

  4. I have been guilty of wearing that sign, Victor, but I need to take it off and never put it back on. One kindness at a time is all we need to show others. Blessings!

    1. I wear the sign when I'm in the shower because always the telephone rings then. Why are people so inconsiderate? Even those who phone me by dialling the wrong number !!!

      God bless, Martha.

  5. Yes, we need to do good deeds and be a wonderful example to others.

  6. I like the way you described the feeling. Do not disturb. I even think sometimes local plays into that. East and West Coast vs the Midwest for example. There are many places on the coasts that people won't even make eye contact or wave or say hello to someone they pass. It's not there way, and can actually seem confrontational when done. We pull inward as a way to protect, I think. Just last night while in a ladies restroom after the end of the ball game; a lady was standing with head down rubbing her forehead. I excused myself and asked if she was alright. She laughed and said I;m just waiting for someone, why do I look like something is wrong? She was defensive and so I apologized and moved on. I actually don't know if she was ok or not....others around us gave me a strange mind your own business look. Life sometimes just isn't easy; but we plod along one foot in front of the other.

    1. Yes, I recognise what you say, Sandy. Here in the UK we have the North/South divide. Up in Northern England and Scotland people seem to be friendlier somehow. Down South, especially in London, people do not talk to each other, and sit on the trains just reading the papers or playing with their cell-phones.

      As best we can, we should respond to God's prompting when we meet someone needing help.

      God bless always.

  7. Doing good deeds makes everyone feel good. :)

    1. So ... do we do good deeds to feel good?

      God bless, Happyone.



God bless you.