Tuesday 30 July 2024

That's the way it was ...

Before I was born my parents had a dog named Victor. Then some time later, when I was born I was named Victor too - that's Victor too not Victor 2. 

Whenever my parents called me the dog would bark. So I learnt to do the same. My first words as a baby were "Woof Woof".

I got all the attention, of course. The dog got very jealous. So my parents had to make a very difficult decision. They put me out for adoption.

The dog got all morose and sad with me not being there. He used to like playing with me in the garden fetching the ball. So my parents tried to get me back for the sake of the dog. But the people who adopted me did not want to let me go. They loved me so much. So my parents bought them a dog and got me back.

Once back home we used to eat together, my dog and I. I preferred the dry pellets to tinned dog food; even though it said on the tin "improved taste." I wonder who tests the food to ensure it is improved taste?

I just loved the dog pellets instead. Apparently they have all the necessary nutrients and vitamins one needs, and are cheaper than baby food. I had them until I was in my early twenties; by then the dog had long departed. But I liked the taste and carried on with the dog pellets for energy and a lovely shiny coat. 

Then suddenly, one day, the food intake landed me in hospital. I stepped off the curb to sniff a poodle's butt and a car hit me!

That's when I stopped eating dog food and changed my diet to cat food instead.

I think naming me after a dog has affected my life. People should be careful when naming a dog. 

I once named a dog of mine Shark. It was a bad idea when he ran off his lead on the beach.

An old neighbour I once knew must have had a dog. He named him "Help!" I think.

I remember him shouting in his back garden "Help! Help!" Eventually, he must have found him because he stopped calling. The next morning, whilst I was out buying a newspaper, I saw an ambulance outside the old man's house. I wondered why the ambulance was there but never found out.

So think carefully before naming your pet. We once had a dog called Sugar. It dissolved a little every time we washed him.

What is your pet called?


  1. ...English is such a wonderful language with to, too and two, does that add up to 6? Who is responsible for this?

    1. Six would have been too many dogs for my family.

      God bless, Tom.

  2. Hilarious! (This, not my dog.)
    When a former boss asked about my passion for eating peanut butter I replied, "Just look what a shiny coat I've got." (I think he may have wet his pants a little.)

    1. Good answer to your boss, Mevely. I like peanut butter sandwich with raisins. I saw Colombo do it on TV. Remember him?

      God bless.

  3. We should take better care when we name our dogs and our kids, Victor, that's for sure. When my son was just a baby, we had two dogs. The first word he said? "Dahh" and pointed at our pooches. He had to be different!

    1. Good name for a dog. Dahh.

      We've always had dogs in the house, ever since I was a child.

      God bless you and yours, Martha.

  4. My first dog was named Inu. Inu is the Japanese name for dog. :)

  5. Rover is a nice name! For the dog, not the child.

    1. My uncle was called Rover. He had fleas. He was an entomologist.

      God bless, Mimi.

  6. Our last cat was named Jackson....long before it became popular for male babies.

  7. I had a dog named Star and another one Sam.

    1. Star is an unusual name. Dis he only come out at night?

      God bless, Happyone.

  8. 😄👏
    —Cheerful Monk

    1. Thank you Cheerful Monk. When I comment on your Blog, the comments disappear. In the Spam folder perhaps.

      God bless.

  9. Hi Victor, our cat is called 'Tinker', and we have to watch him carefully, as he tinkers with many things around the house.

    1. He lives up to his name. A nice name though.

      God bless, Brenda.



God bless you.